Every owner of an apartment, cottage, house, of course, wants all of its interior interiors to have a perfect embodiment, make an impeccable impression, make you want to come back again. There is an entrance hall in any apartment, house, regardless of its area.
And the importance of this room is difficult to overestimate, since the first impression is always the most correct. And the first thing that the guest sees is the entrance hall. And this impression will be difficult to change later. Therefore, in order to evoke the correct emotions and ideas about their home in guests, the best choice is a high-tech entrance hall.
Techno-minimalism is the best solution if the hallway is inexpressibly small. But there is another advantage. Hi-tech with its simple shapes, asceticism, a minimum of items will allow you to keep the front in perfect order. But if you take into account the active permeability in it, hi-tech will minimize the problems associated with cleaning.

Organization of space, decoration, color
What is important for any hallway? Convenience, functionality, maximum free space. All these points are the basic principles of hi-tech. And only this style can make it possible to put them into practice.

Hi-tech for small front ones is a real salvation:

All this will not only make life easier in terms of maintaining cleanliness, increase the durability of structures, but also "expand" the space, no matter how small! And now, in fact, let's move on to one of the main issues - the materials that are used to create a high-tech style in the hallway.

Designers and consumers are accustomed to the fact that the "industrial" style is metal, plastic, glass, in a word, a variety of artificial materials.
But modern techno-minimalism is less violent and includes some natural "touches". Therefore, the high-tech hallway allows the following finish:

As for the colors, everything is quite simple here, but not boring. Often used among them - white, gray, black, metallic, blue, milky. Today, hi-tech adds a beige, burgundy, blue palette, the presence of khaki colors. High-tech style categorically cannot stand any kind of prints, especially floral prints, variegation, multicolor, ornaments and patterns.
However, single color spots are often found as accent strokes. But it should be exclusively one color, one accent without multiple repetitions, replication.

Recently, in minimalist hallways, painted surfaces have become increasingly common - walls, ceilings. The paint is chosen for this water-based or dispersion. After drying, some types of paints create a smooth, slightly shiny, perfectly flat surface that fills a small room with additional reflected light and gives a feeling of unique "sterility".

There is another design law: one surface - one color. That is, two adjacent or opposite walls can have different colors (black-white, for example), but there cannot be two colors within the same wall. Of course, if this wall is not initially conceived as a field for a color "explosion". From here, it is logical to move on to talking about the design of the planes.

High-tech hallway design: walls, floor, ceiling
Any room, no matter what geometry and area, always has three main planes - ceiling, floor, wall. In hi-tech, these planes should traditionally remain as free, even, priority glossy, that is, capable of reflecting light. Therefore, if you decide that you will have a high-tech hallway, carefully consider the photo selection and decide what you want to see its main planes.
On a note! With an average financial level for the floor, it is customary to choose laminate, linoleum, artificial stone.
If the possibilities are above average, you can afford parquet with modern wood processing. Recently, however, in high-tech interiors, self-leveling floors are increasingly common. And this choice is quite justified: a flat, smooth, monochromatic surface, the gloss of which perfectly reflects light.
In addition, filling materials are incredibly practical, durable and have a high aesthetic level.

On a note! The walls, for which wallpapers are practically not used today, should be completely even and smooth.
There can be two options: either drywall followed by painting, or plastering and painting again. Modern coloring compositions retain their original appearance for a long time and are perfectly cleaned. It is possible to decorate the walls with brick or masonry with mirror or metal inclusions. At the same time, the brick is often not processed in any way, but is left in an emphasized natural form.

The high-tech hallway (look carefully at the photo) is not decorated with accessories at all. Black and white images in shiny metal frames, mirrors, clocks may be present. But their presence should be minimal. And special connoisseurs of techno-minimalism generally refuse any decorating items, so as not to violate the ideal emptiness and harmony!

For the ceiling, there are the following options: stretch, plasterboard structures or plaster and paint. If stretch ceilings are chosen, the material should be glossy to reflect light. Various combinations of PVC panels can also be used.

Hi-tech and furniture
The main high-tech materials are plastic, glass, chrome-plated metal. This also applies directly to furniture. It is difficult to imagine a hallway without conventional, bulky, wooden complexes with hangers, shelves, mezzanines, dressing table. However, high-tech is so good that it will leave a maximum of free space in the presence of all these items. The whole secret here is in their special design and materials.

If used for shelves (for shoes) and hangers, for example, metal pipes, they will not take up much space and dust (unnecessary trash) will not collect on themselves. In addition, a metal pipe hanger can also be the basis for built-in lamps.

The design of the high-tech hallway assumes that the furniture will have:

On a note! An excellent solution - built-in, cabinet furniture.
For example, a wardrobe with mirrored doors. They save you the trouble of hanging a mirror in the front. Very often, a variety of folding, folding shelves are mounted in the hallway, which, if unnecessary, easily hide in niches or, when raised, are attached to the wall. Various objects can not only be assembled, disassembled, but also moved, rearranged, raised, lowered, changed height.

To do this, they are supplied with locks, rollers, magnets, and other useful accessories. Necessarily chrome plated! Our various photos will help you to understand how the high-tech entrance hall is "arranged".

The interior of this trend only seems monotonous and empty. In practice, it is full of mysteries, surprises and extraordinary design techniques.

High-tech lighting
An entrance hall in an apartment, house is the only place where there are no windows. Therefore, the lighting should be maximized.

We have already mentioned the reflective abilities of different materials. Now we should talk about lighting elements. Their role in high-tech is performed by:

Various movable structures allow you to make the light narrow-focus, so that the stream illuminates the most difficult to reach places. In addition, various angles of turns will help to zone the room with light, direct it to reflective surfaces, multiplying its amount. If you decide to use spotlights, then you do not need to make them open, hitting directly in the eyes.

Better to hide them behind furniture, shelves, niches. This way you can achieve the original effect of the film set.