A living room in a classic style is considered a harmonious combination of several opposing concepts, such as simplicity, luxury and sophistication. It is worth noting that this design style is chosen not only by people with conservative views, but also by people with a high level of intelligence. This circumstance is connected with the fact that classics in interior design is a fairly broad concept, which includes such directions as Rococo, Classicism, Empire and Baroque.
It is always worth remembering that classicism is quite costly and therefore, when planning to decorate a living room in this style, you need to prepare for a fairly serious material investment. Despite this circumstance, the classic has not gone out of fashion for several centuries, and the 2023 season confirms this trend. The fact is that the decor, made in a classic style, directly indicates the presence of a high income and refined taste in the owner of the premises, therefore many representatives of the middle class choose it as an option for decorating a living room.
Since classicism is considered a strict style of interior design, it is necessary to strictly adhere to its rather strict canons. For example, all decorative elements used in the decoration of a room should have only correct geometric lines, and they should be placed exclusively symmetrically. At the same time, foreign objects should not be in the classic interior, there is no place for cheap things either.
On a note! A distinctive feature of the classics at all times was considered the use of such massive decorative elements as columns, semi-columns, porticoes.
Welcome when they are made of marble or granite. The use of sockets and stucco moldings is mandatory. The windows here are decorated with multi-colored stained-glass windows and massive curtains.

The center of a classic living room is a fireplace that should be working. At the same time, interiors with a fireplace can be made using imitation. It can be stucco molding made of PVC, as well as gypsum columns and half-columns. As for the colors of the classic living room, it should be done in light colors. It would be appropriate to use antiques, fine porcelain dishes or expensive paintings and sculptures as decorative elements.
Living room interior in classic style
If you liked the living room, decorated in a classic style, then her photos will immediately show you that this room is always decorated in light colors. The use of a light color allows you to create a sense of cleanliness in the room, while the white living room is perfectly combined with decorative elements made using stucco and gilding. In the event that a white tone cannot be used, you can take green, blue, cream and beige tones to decorate the room. Moreover, if the room has a northern orientation, it is necessary to choose warm shades, and if it faces south, it will be necessary to take cold shades.

The interior in the "classic" style is characterized by the presence of special requirements for the space of the room. So, for example, this is usually a fairly large room with high ceilings. If in reality the room is small, some design techniques are used to visually enlarge the room.
On a note! Usually, the means of visually enlarging the premises of a classic living room are considered to be the use of light colors in its design and the use of sufficiently powerful lighting sources.
A crystal chandelier can become a similar source, if the ceilings in the room are high enough, it will be necessary to pick up a multi-tiered pendant model equipped with removable decorative elements. The use of additional sources of lighting is encouraged, for example, such as decorative sconces.

In general, the room should create an atmosphere of bohemian luxury. For this, candelabra, chains and shades in the form of candles are usually used. Products and decorative elements made of gold, silver, bronze and copper will perfectly find their place in the interior of a classic living room. At the same time, they should create a feeling of antiquity in the room
As for the ceilings, this type of living room is decorated with an ordinary white ceiling without any special decorations. Moreover, it can be either painted or have a plastered surface. It is allowed to install white stretch ceilings in the hall. You can also mount a plasterboard structure, which visually divides the room into several zones.

The floor in a classic living room is made of either wood or stone. The wooden floor is usually parquet, made of fine wood. The stone floor is made of ceramic tiles or marble. Such a floor should correspond in color and appearance to both the ceiling and the material of the walls. Its "highlight" is a rosette made in the middle of the room, while it is not covered with a carpet.

Wall decoration in the living room in a classic style
The decoration of a living room, made in a classic style, cannot be completed without the proper appearance of the walls of the room. At the same time, it is necessary to observe all the canons of the design style, because if you make a small mistake, the whole impression of it will be destroyed. So, for example, one of the main tasks of a classic interior style designer is not only to create beautiful living rooms, but also to emphasize the status of their owners.
One of the most important components of a room's image is its walls. The described design style recognizes only 2 types of wall decoration: wallpapering and painting. No other options (plastering or installation of wooden panels on walls) are applicable here.

To create classic interiors in the living room, several rules have been developed that must be adhered to constantly. It:

As for the permitted methods of wall decoration in this style, they include, first of all, wallpapers with floral patterns, small patterns and garlands. Walls can also be formed by painting, while it is advisable not to perform them in gray tones. The color of the classics is white, this must be firmly remembered by the owners of a living room decorated in this style.
It is impossible to imagine wall decoration here without the use of columns or semi-columns. The space between them should be used with benefit, such as adding shelves, installing mirrors and placing furniture. In any case, there should be no emptiness on the walls. If there is no other way out, it will be quite appropriate to hang pictures or decorative panels on the walls. All must be equipped with gilded frames, but it is not recommended to hang photographs.
Living room design in classic style
In order to equip a living room in a classic style with a fireplace, you need to complete 3 sets of works. First you need to form the semantic center of the room. Moreover, if the living room is too large, it is necessary to create several such centers, for example, near the TV, fireplace or in the recreation area. In the case when it is necessary to create several such centers, they need to be performed in the form of various work areas, for example, tea drinking, rest and leisure areas. For this purpose, you can use furniture, for example, wardrobes.

In addition to furniture, it will be possible to use various partitions, screens, decorations, lighting and a multilevel ceiling for zoning a room. In such areas, various original and unusual objects or decorative elements can be placed. It can be arches, columns, half-columns, stained-glass windows. Thus, the zoning of the living room can be called the second stage of decorating the room.
As for directly carrying out certain works on the design of the premises, then during their implementation it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:
On a note! A room decorated in a classic style does not tolerate the use of plastic windows.
They should all be exclusively wooden. If necessary, they can be decorated with stained-glass windows. Curtains for them should be chosen fluffy, sewn from expensive fabric, the use of tulle is encouraged.

It should be noted that the living room is a room designed for relaxation and meeting with guests. At the same time, the classic setting allows you to engage in creativity, joint recreation. In order to correctly combine all these features, combining them with pompous forms in the spirit of monumentality and restraint, it is necessary to use such decorative elements as a bas-relief, rectangular furniture, arches.
Small living room in a classic style
In the event that your living room is small, this is not a reason to despair. Even a room of 16 sq. m can be decorated in a classic style. At the same time, it will not be necessary to spend large sums of money at all, since some design techniques quite allow you to visually increase the usable area in the apartment without demolishing the walls and without moving the partitions. As a result, the output will be a bright room, decorated in accordance with all the canons of the classic design style.

So, for example, experienced interior designers advise, when the ceiling height in the room is less than 3 m, under the ceiling of the living room around its entire perimeter, stick the cornices. Further, a little lower, about 15-20 cm, it will be necessary to glue a frieze. The space between the cornices and the frieze is painted in a tone slightly lighter than the main color of the room. This technique allows you to visually increase the height of the ceilings in the room, which makes it possible to create a classic interior in the living room in accordance with the style canons.
Another option for solving the problem of lack of space can be considered the use of striped wallpaper. In this case, it is necessary to select colors of neutral tones, since bright and saturated colors will be inappropriate. The stripes themselves should not be too noticeable against the general background.

This design option is not suitable for all interior design options for classic living rooms. The fact is that vertical stripes have the effect of compressing the space in the room, while visually increasing the height of the ceiling. They are best used in a low living room. The use of mirrors allows to visually "expand" the interior space of the room. They are usually decorated with carved frames with gilding and hung on opposite walls.

If the size of the living room is too small, you will have to choose the option of redeveloping it with a bay window. This will require additional costs, so this option should only be used as a last resort. It's better to try to get the desired effect through the use of design techniques. For example, such an effect will be obtained if a ceiling lamp is placed in a small-sized living room, which will give the desired effect of expanding the space in a room with low and medium ceilings.
Bright living room in classic style
In addition to using special design techniques, visually, the living room in a classic style can also be enlarged by adding light there. This can be done not only with the help of wide window openings, but also due to the correct selection of the color design of the room. The fact is that in the classic style, white is dominant. It is he who is used in the design of the ceiling, walls and floor, furniture installed in the room is painted in light colors.

Moreover, if you liked someone's design of the living room in a classic style, you need to take the photo with you for a visit to the store of building and finishing materials. The fact is that when small children live in the house, an exclusively white color will not be very appropriate. The interior of the living room in a classic form according to the photo, it will be much easier to pick up than without it. It will be possible to replace the pure white color with light and warm shades, which include walnut, baked milk and beige tones.
When decorating a living room in light colors, it is necessary to focus on several points. So, for example, furniture in such a living room should be light. In this case, it is imperative to abandon those items that have a burgundy or coffee color. In any case, such a limitation does not prohibit the use of dark or bright details in the design. For example, to give the interior a special luxury, a light-colored sofa should be decorated with gilding or a pattern with dark brown paint should be painted on the surface of a beige table.

In this case, finishing materials should be several tones lighter than furniture; it is not forbidden to apply a small, modest pattern on the walls. In any case, neither plaster nor wallpaper should attract attention. Their task is to create a light background in the room and visually expand it.
This is the task facing the textiles used in the decorative finishing of the premises. Moreover, it must be made exclusively from natural materials. Upholstered furniture upholstered in light leather.
If all of the above measures are not enough, you will have to artificially add light to the room. For this, a large multi-tiered chandelier with crystal pendants is usually used. Additional light sources consist of sconces and floor lamps. Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of spotlights, which can not only add light to a room, but also help to delimit functional areas in it.

Hall in classic style
A classic-style living room is usually a large hall that can accommodate a dining room. Such a hall should be designed taking into account all the features of the classic style. At the same time, a classic-style living room with a fireplace implies the creation of specialized areas, for example, for eating or relaxing.
Zoning elements of such a hall can be cabinets, columns and various artificial partitions. The fireplace can very well become the center of attraction and meeting with guests. The easiest way to decorate a room is when a classic-style living room is shown in the photo. It will allow you to perform not only zoning, but also arrange furniture according to the classic scheme.

The recreation area should be located in the middle of the room or near one of the walls. The dining area is usually performed in the middle of the hall, while it is necessary to provide for passage to other rooms. At the same time, a standard apartment can cause some difficulties, because of which it will be necessary to combine the eating and recreation area. To do this, you can use a sofa and a coffee table or replace the sofa with chairs.
If a fireplace is installed in a living room, made in a classic style, several rules for laying it must be observed. First, it must be functional, that is, heat the room. Classical-style props are unacceptable, as it creates a feeling of the cheapness of the entire interior of the room. Such a fireplace should be decorated in a classic style, for example, at least decorated with forging and improvised columns.

Secondly, the fireplace must be functionally involved in the equipment of the hall. So, for example, you can use it as a shelf for arranging decorative items, for example, figurines or porcelain dishes. Naturally, in this case, it is necessary to provide for their protection from the effects of high temperatures.
Separately, it is worth talking about household appliances installed in the hall, made in a classic style. The fact is that the classics do not like it when the achievements of modern civilization are paraded. As for the TV, in the living room it will be quite appropriate with the appropriate neighborhood. So, for example, you can arrange it on the wall in the form of a "picture" or set it on a table in a classic style with gilding and curved legs.

In general, creating a living room interior in a classic style with a reasonable approach does not present much difficulty, so such a task can be completely completed independently, without involving an expensive designer. If you encounter any difficulties, most of the questions can be resolved by studying the publications of the relevant thematic sites. Usually, they show one or another version of the classic decor of living rooms and halls, which helps to make the right choice in the process of decorating a room.