The redevelopment of the Khrushchev (2 rooms, adjacent options) in the photo looks very attractive. This circumstance is connected with the fact that not all modern apartments have a successful layout, which allows you to arrange the premises in accordance with the wishes and tastes of the owner of the apartment. Moreover, this procedure is a rather complex type of repair and construction work that requires a special permit for this.
Currently Art. 25 of the Housing Code provides for the implementation of both redevelopment and redevelopment operations. Rebuilding is not related to changing the configuration of the apartment. So, for example, as part of this procedure, you can transfer the electrical wiring inside the apartment. Walls and partitions are not deformed here and no changes are made to the technical data sheet.
The redevelopment of the Khrushchev (2 rooms, adjacent options) in the photo looks very attractive

During the redevelopment operation, the room changes significantly, for example, partitions and walls are dismantled (with the exception of load-bearing ones).
Important! Changes are made to the registration certificate of the dwelling.
Naturally, redevelopment is a more complex operation than reorganization, and it is regulated by a large number of regulatory and technical documentation. Without obtaining the appropriate permission to carry it out, it cannot be performed.

More specifically, in the process of redevelopment, the following operations can be performed:

At the same time, operations on redevelopment of apartments are prohibited:
The design of Khrushchev 2 rooms without redevelopment in the photo looks quite gray and dull. Therefore, many homeowners decide to redevelop it. In this case, it is necessary to obtain permission in advance to carry out such work in the state housing supervision authorities. Otherwise, a homeowner who decides to arbitrarily reschedule his premises may face a large fine.

Redevelopment of Khrushchev 2 rooms
This type of housing was widespread in the country as "Khrushchev". These are houses of series 1-510, 1-511, 1-477, 1-515, which were built of bricks and blocks, primarily in Moscow and the Moscow region. In other regions of the country, they were also built in large numbers. The interior of the Khrushchev 2 rooms in the photo without redevelopment looks very dull, and therefore this type of housing is most often rebuilt. As a result, it becomes possible to significantly increase the usable area of \ u200b \ u200bthe room and bring to life the most daring design moves.

Soviet cities were massively built up with housing of this type in the 60s of the last century at the initiative of the then head of the country Nikita Khrushchev. It was small because of the economy and the desire of the government of the country to solve the housing problem as soon as possible. So, for example, apartments of this type were characterized by ceilings no higher than 250 cm, the absence of an elevator in houses, a combined bathroom. The area of the premises here was scanty, which negatively affected the living conditions, therefore, the options for redeveloping the Khrushchev with a photo of 43 squares is very popular information.

Usually, the redevelopment of the Khrushchev 2 rooms in the photo looks like a combination of two adjacent rooms, because the rooms here are so narrow that even one bed can hardly become across one of the rooms. It is worth noting that premises of this type were built using relatively light building materials, so if you decide to repair the Khrushchev in 2 rooms as in the photo, redevelopment of this kind will not be difficult for you.
Idea! For example, partitions can be dismantled using a conventional sledgehammer.
As a result, such adjacent redevelopment options allow apartment residents to fully satisfy their needs, despite the fact that the apartment is small. As for the redevelopment options, two-room Khrushchevs are usually designed as:
Of those premises that usually fall under the "downsizing", you can name the pantry and the bathroom, very often they combine the kitchen and the hallway. There are also such unusual options when the kitchen is combined with a balcony or loggia. As a result, its total area increases, and the homeowner and his family members have the opportunity to dine in the "nature".
Redevelopment of stalinka 2 rooms
Housing such as Stalin, or a series of "Stalinist" houses, were built in the 30-60s of the last century. In connection with this circumstance, they are considered the predecessors of the Khrushchevs and usually exceed 43 squares in area. Moreover, in some cases, their construction continued until 1961.
In appearance, such houses are easy enough to recognize, because they are brown or yellow. Moreover, the balconies here can be red or faced with granite chips. Stalinist architecture favors massive balconies, bay windows and arches. In any case, the rooms here are usually larger in area than the Khrushchev apartments with an area of 44 meters.

Despite the fact that very often such buildings were erected according to individual projects, they have some common features:

Design without redevelopment of the "Stalinist" apartment usually does not fit well into the realities of life, and therefore there is a need to perform redevelopment here. Usually, repairs and redevelopments here are quite difficult, because, unlike Khrushchev, such rooms have thick walls that are difficult to dismantle even with a perforator.
Advice! In connection with this circumstance, such drastic measures should be avoided, because usually the area of the stalinka quite allows not to combine a particular room with an adjacent.
If we talk about those series where wood was used to create walls and internal partitions, their dismantling may actually be impossible, and this circumstance will need to be clarified separately before starting work. If, nevertheless, the decision to demolish walls or partitions will please you, it should be borne in mind that usually auxiliary premises are subject to unification, for example, a pantry or a maid's room. They have a small area and not too pleasant appearance. The redevelopment design of such spaces will only look good when combined with larger spaces.
Sometimes there is such a redevelopment project, which involves, on the contrary, the construction of internal walls and partitions in order to create several isolated rooms in place of the hall. The fact is that Stalinist architecture was characterized by the creation of premises of a large area. This is good for the English style of interior design or classics, but absolutely not suitable for such common styles as minimalism or hi-tech today.

Redevelopment of brezhnevka 2 rooms
If you need a redevelopment of the "brezhnevka" with 2 rooms, then the adjacent options in the photo will look preferable than the Khrushchevs. The fact is that houses of these series began to be built in the country under L.AND. Brezhnev, who decided to build more comfortable housing for Soviet citizens than Khrushchev. The peak of their construction fell on the 1964 - 1980s and, unlike the previous ones, no blocks were used during their construction. They were built mainly from panels and bricks.

There are about 40 options for the layouts of these apartments, so "brezhnevki" very often undergo a redevelopment procedure, since not all of these projects were successful. "Brezhnevki" have adjacent options for placing a bathroom and a bathroom, a water supply system and a garbage chute and an elevator located between the floors. Here, very often, one of the load-bearing walls adjoins the neighbors' apartment, while the panel versions of the apartments have very poor sound insulation.
There are about 40 options for the layouts of these apartments, so "brezhnevki" very often undergo a redevelopment procedure, since not all of these projects were successfulThe interior without redevelopment of such apartments is very similar to modern ones, so usually no particularly complex work is done here. So, for example, a bathroom is very often arranged, which requires the dismantling of a panel sanitation. In some cases, the kitchen is combined with the living room. This is done to create an interior in classic or English style.

Due to the fact that the walls and internal partitions here are panel, it is quite easy to dismantle them. In the event that you come across a load-bearing wall, you will face a number of difficulties, since a special permit will be required to dismantle it, if it is possible in principle. It is also worth noting that the design of "brezhnevka" without redevelopment in some cases implies inconvenient placement of the kitchen - between the bathroom and the outer wall. In this case, the question of transferring the kitchen to another room often arises.

The balconies and loggias here, unlike the Khrushchevs, are large, so very often they equip workrooms on them, take out a part of the kitchen there or decorate a recreation room. A common operation is to dismantle the built-in cabinet as it is useless. Usually a dressing room is performed instead. Built-in furniture is often dismantled because it allows you to significantly expand, if necessary, the living room. As a result, it may happen that a two-room apartment can become a one-room or three-room two-room.
Approval of documents for redevelopment
In any case, before starting repair and construction work at the facility, it will be necessary to obtain approval for this. The fact is that such activity can lead to an emergency and even to the collapse of the house. A large fine is provided for unauthorized work. Even in the event that you buy an apartment with an already completed redevelopment, you will have to pay such a fine.

If we talk directly about the procedure for agreeing on redevelopment, then the necessary package of documents can be collected independently, or you can attract a specialist from a real estate agency or an architectural bureau for this matter. So, first of all, you will have to contact the local housing office or management company and get there an extract from the house book and personal account. Next, you will have to contact the BTI for the production of a technical passport.
After that, you will need to order a redevelopment project in an architectural bureau or construction company. Such a project is approved by the local Office of Architecture. It must be coordinated with the fire service, Rospotrebnadzor, housing supervision, etc.d. The consent of the management company, as well as all family members living in the apartment, will also be required. Moreover, if you have a Stalinka or Khrushchev that belongs to cultural heritage sites, you will also need to obtain consent from the body responsible for the protection of cultural monuments.

On average, the entire approval process takes about 2 months. During this time, work is prohibited under the threat of a fine. You can start redevelopment only if you have a full package of permits in your hands. It is she who will give you the opportunity to arrange the interior design of your premises in accordance with your wishes and taste.

If you do not have time to go through the instances, you can instruct an agent to do this. He will collect all the necessary documents, and you will receive them ready-made without visiting any regulatory authorities. It should be noted that you will have to spend money on the salary of such an agent and issuing a power of attorney for him on your behalf.