Designers do not get tired of repeating: the idea of \ u200b \ u200bdesigning any room should be complex and cover not only those parts of the room where the eye falls, but also the ceiling. The integrity of the perception of the interior depends on this.
Designers, calling this part of the room "the fifth wall", offer a variety of options for finishing the ceiling.
Finishing parameters
The method of finishing the ceiling surface is determined by the functional purpose of the room:
Factors influencing the choice
When choosing a material, it is of no small importance:
Finishing and price
Choosing a ceiling finish, you can be guided by both aesthetic feelings and financial considerations.
Finishing options differ in the complexity of installation, cost of materials, labor intensity and high cost of further maintenance.
Economy class finishes include:
In addition to inexpensive materials, there are no labor costs for workers, because these options are easy to deal with on your own.

In the middle price segment, builders include:
This will require special knowledge, experience and tools, so it is wiser to invite professionals. This raises the price of the ceiling finish.

The premium price includes coffered and mirrored ceilings, as well as Venetian plaster.
So, what finishing materials are preferable to use (and why) in rooms with different purposes?
Ceiling in rooms
There are many types of finishing materials for the ceiling surface of residential premises in an apartment or private house.
Important! It should be noted that there is a fashion for decoration, like any interior decor, and even the presence of a material on the market does not mean that it remains relevant.
In an effort to ensure that the ceiling surface looks modern and stylish, designers recommend abandoning the following materials in living rooms:
Of course, such materials are used, but the premises designed in this way leave the impression that the last renovation was carried out in the 90s.
Modern materials look much more interesting, which, moreover, have more advanced technical indicators.

In the living room
Universal material - gypsum board. Designers love to work with him, because this finish has many advantages:

It is better to entrust the work on the installation of plasterboard ceilings to professionals, although some home craftsmen take this work without fear.
Installation consists of 2 stages:
The options for ceiling decor look interesting, in which different materials are combined:
Of course, the drywall surface has its drawbacks, and the most important is the loss in the height of the room. For a suspended structure, 5-7 cm is required, so in low rooms such a ceiling will look depressing.
Another option to decorate the ceiling in the living room with Venetian plaster.
The coating is formed by mixing colorants with acrylic, silicone, epoxy or lime. This option will resemble polished marble. Looks great in classic interior styles.
This method requires a lot of skill, the raw materials are expensive - these are the main disadvantages. Benefits include durability, resistance to fading, fungal disease, ease of care, and exquisite beauty.
In the nursery
In the children's room, the finishes of all surfaces are subject to increased requirements for safety, environmental friendliness, ease of maintenance.
Important! It is necessary to take into account the recommendations of psychologists, who claim that in the nursery there may be no more than 2-3 colorful centers that attract attention, and the ceiling surface is not included in this number. In addition, the child is growing, his interests are changing, and what he liked yesterday may become irrelevant tomorrow.
Therefore, in the nursery, the ceiling is decorated as simply as possible, the ideal way out is decorative plaster, a durable beautiful coating. Using plaster, create different textures and effects.
If the nursery is in a wooden house, then the ceiling can be made from a wooden lining placed on a crate. Then the room will be filled with a light scent of wood, which, as experts say, will give the baby strength and improve health. In this case, it is not recommended to varnish the slats of natural wood.

The textile ceiling looks appropriate in the bedroom. A variety of materials are used as decoration:
Fabrics are glued in different ways over the entire surface or creating visual zoning. If lush draperies are used in the decor, they are attached:
Of the advantages - undoubted originality. Of the minuses - inconvenience with daily care, fragility.
Other premises
Any photo conveys the beauty of coffered ceilings that look good in offices. A beam structure with recesses of a certain shape is indispensable when decorating an office in the style of English classics.
The coffered ceiling is made by:
The coffered structure improves acoustics, looks elegant, but is also expensive, and significantly reduces the height of the room.

It looks interesting to use natural cork on the ceiling in the corridor, manufacturers produce it in rolls and tiles. This is an extremely environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic material with excellent performance properties, but not every interior is suitable for cork. Another drawback - the cork darkens the room.
Beauty in the kitchen
The specificity of the kitchen space puts forward certain requirements for materials, they must be functional and easy to use. How interesting it is to decorate the ceiling in the kitchen? Finishing options:
When choosing a finishing option, it must be borne in mind that the modern design of the ceiling surface most often implies a combination of different materials. Even in a small area of 9-12 sq. m, you can implement an original solution by correctly combining textures and colors.

Considering the high humidity, ceiling materials in the bathroom should be chosen not only for decorative reasons, but also in accordance with practical requirements. The coating should be:
The easiest option that does not reduce the height of the ceiling is whitewashing or painting.
First, they carry out preparatory work, leveling the surface. You will need a primer and putty with moisture resistant indicators, water dispersion paint with antifungal properties.
When painting, you can show your imagination: combine colors, create patterns and ornaments.
Pros of painting:
If the height of the room is more than 2.7 m, then a suspended structure can be made:
It is advisable to install a practical, durable, decorative vinyl film stretch ceiling in the bathroom. In the event of a breakthrough, the film can hold up to 50 liters of water.
Professionals create interesting designs of different levels with built-in lighting from film and drywall. This design visually expands the bathroom space.

Loggia and balcony
When the loggia / balcony is included in the space of the room, the ceiling is made in the same style as in the main part of the room.
You can use it when decorating the ceiling on the balcony, the finishing options are original:
The material looks unusual, practically does not reduce the height, has excellent thermal insulation qualities. Cons - high price.
Choosing the option of finishing the ceiling surface, it is necessary to draw up a project in which you should indicate:
In order for the ceiling finish to smoothly transition to the walls, it is necessary to take into account the color and texture of the wall covering material.