Now the English style in landscape design is used quite widely, it is also called landscape. Designers love the combination of simplicity and elegance at the same time, because this is the impression that such a garden makes. An example of one of the ideas for decorating landscape design in the English style is shown in the photo.
Landscaping in the English styleA distinctive feature of gardens in the English style is natural naturalness and accuracy. When choosing this style for your summer cottage, it is worth considering some details, such as the type of landscape, climate and soil, which should fit the classic plants that are planted in gardens of this type.

Often in the gardens you can see some kind of symmetry along which they are planted

An English-style garden design will take you back to the days of old England, the image of which will be recreated on your site. Stepping onto the porch of the house, you seem to find yourself on the territory of an old English manor or estate. It will serve as a great source of inspiration for writers, musicians and artists. And certainly a place of harmony and tranquility for people tired of city bustle and worldly problems.

Details you need to create the right atmosphere

It is imperative to take care of the reservoir so that the water in it remains fresh and transparent, and does not fade away. Duckweed, of course, should be present in the reservoir, but there should not be too much of it.

In order to prevent the water from becoming rotten, as well as to control the balance of algae (duckweed and others), fish are launched into the pond, which eats excess vegetation and does not allow the water to rot. Suitable species such as silver carp, grass carp, crucian carp, carp, tench, loach. If you don't like the option of starting fish, you will have to put a filter on the pond.

The banks of your reservoir can be laid out with stone curbs, or you can leave them with natural earthen. Be careful not to crumble over time and create additional problems.

Lanterns should be dug along the paths and always next to the benches.

Therefore, in order to recreate the landscape design of a summer cottage in the English style, you need to choose various flowers and plants of different nature (both sun-loving, and shade-tolerant, and unpretentious to everything), because they will have to grow in different parts of the site, where conditions are different.

The following flowers are well suited for decorating flower beds: tulips, daffodils, roses, peonies, decorative chamomiles, echinacea, bells, astilbe and delphiniums.

Clubs are planted tightly enough to create a richness and richness of flowers. In England everything

Decorative details in home England
No landscape design is complete without any of its distinctive elements. For example, in the country style, such details are antiques: barrels, carts, and everything that can be found in a barn or in an attic.

The English style is distinguished by forged items: a bridge over a decorative pond will look very impressive. If you look at landscaping projects in the English style, you can see that old bicycles have been used for decoration lately.

Tubs of flowers are placed on their seats and steering wheel, the shoots of which hang beautifully and weave along the spokes of the wheels. This idea has already been liked by my gardeners and has been successfully implemented on their plots.

At a summer cottage in the English style, a gazebo, both wooden and forged, will look great. It is advisable to let the shoots of Isabella grapes along its walls, which during the fertile period will emit a soft heady aroma.

Decorative pots are hung on the porch, in which geranium, petunia, pelargonium are planted. These plants have long branches and bright flowers, making them a favorite with designers.

When creating an English style in landscape design, try to avoid details that stand out from the general mass. Everything should be measured and harmonious, clearly combined with each other and together represent an integral composition.