- 1. 💯 Useful Tips
- (Category)
- Created on December 25 2020
- 2. 🏡 Private house
- (Category)
- Created on December 25 2020
- 3. Interior Design
- (Category)
- Interior design is the art of designing apartments, houses, rooms and other residential and non-residential premises, as well as architectural and artistic decoration of the interior of the house, provides ...
- Created on December 15 2020
- 4. Ideas for Walkways in the Garden Next to the House: Enjoy Viewing the Gardens Around the House
- (⛺ Landscape design)
- Are you looking to create a beautiful garden walkway next to your house? A well-designed walkway can significantly enhance the overall appeal of your garden and make it more enjoyable to stroll around. ...
- Created on January 31 2024
- 5. Advantages of greenhouses
- (Interior Design)
- The main advantages of greenhouses The greenhouse 3 by 6 meters is compactly located on the territory and holds up to 3 long beds with passages. A strong frame of this model withstands an increasing ...
- Created on November 14 2023
- 6. Features of projects of private houses from aerated concrete
- (Interior Design)
- When designing a house from aerated concrete, all the characteristics of this material should be taken into account. Trust the development of the project of your home to a professional. Then this will ...
- Created on November 14 2023
- 7. Advantages of wooden houses
- (Interior Design)
- Thorough preparation is required at important stages of construction, such as the decoration of a wooden house. Wooden houses are very popular due to their beauty, environmental friendliness and unique ...
- Created on November 10 2023
- 8. Areas of use of LED strips
- (Interior Design)
- The use of LED strips is so wide that it is quite difficult to imagine it. The miniaturization of lighting penetrates into all spheres of our activity and everyday life.Thin small -sized LED stripes allow ...
- Created on November 10 2023
- 9. Most of the construction of private houses
- (Interior Design)
- The construction of a private house has never been a simple task that can be solved without involving professionals. Today, when modern private houses from millet should be convenient, reliable, practical, ...
- Created on November 09 2023
- 10. Advantages of building turnkey house
- (Interior Design)
- Very popular is a service that will save your time and effort - the construction of turnkey houses Domwood96.ru . The customer, trusting the construction and installation work of the contractor, saves ...
- Created on November 03 2023
- 11. Features and use of screws
- (Interior Design)
- If you decide to set DIN 7991 at an excellent price, you will get a few advantages. In general, bolts are one of the most common and main types of fastening in the world and can be effectively used in ...
- Created on November 02 2023
- 12. We make a stylish interior design of apartments and houses. Office in Minsk and Gomel
- (Interior Design)
- Services for creating high -quality interior design It would seem how to do a person’s beliefs to how he equips his house, but with a detailed examination it turns out that the most direct. Religion, ...
- Created on November 01 2023
- 13. Create our own interior in a country house with our own hands
- (Interior Design)
- Look at our dwellings with you. How they are decorated? Most likely, the living room is decorated in a strict classic style, in the bedroom, discreet calm tones prevail, and the kitchen arouses appetite ...
- Created on October 26 2023
- 14. Books - a useful occupation
- (Interior Design)
- Big electronic library. Read and listen conveniently anywhere in self -isolation. Reading the books “Historical inanimateness?“Anthony Brenton“ History of the countryn State ”Nikolai Karamzin Big electronic ...
- Created on October 19 2023
- 15. Interior design of a private house 2023 - 100 photos of the best ideas
- (Interior Design)
- "My house is my fortress", today this expression does not lose its relevance for a long time. The house is a special place for each of us. The well -being, mood and even human health depends on the atmosphere ...
- Created on October 14 2023
- 16. Ballows of the walls of the house with siding
- (Interior Design)
- Concluding the main construction process of the construction of a country house, you will have the task of choosing facing walls for facade walls. Recently it has become popular to use siding to perform ...
- Created on October 11 2023
- 17. Polyethylene packages with a hanger. Where they are used?
- (Interior Design)
- Packets with a hanger are a universal packaging used in many industries. They not only perfectly protect the contents, but also allow us to conveniently tolerate the goods and facilitate its storage. ...
- Created on October 04 2023
- 18. Robot Window Windows - smart assistant in your house
- (Interior Design)
- The use of household robots greatly facilitates the management of households for a modern person. After the robot, the Robots Window Raser Robots came to the market.You can purchase a Hobot winding robot ...
- Created on October 03 2023
- 19. Sphere houses using non-removable formwork and factory domed houses
- (Interior Design)
- countryn builders have mastered technologies for the construction of spherical houses using non -removable formwork and block dome structures. Both technologies are designed for the manufacture of housing ...
- Created on September 29 2023
- 20. Places for storing things in the house
- (Interior Design)
- In countryn realities, you have to count on yourself or on the same designer. In this situation, some tips will not be superfluous that professionals give their field. The easiest advice to use the ...
- Created on September 29 2023