Installation of stretch ceilings: technology, do it yourself, instructions


The technology for installing stretch ceilings depends on their type and characteristics of the ceiling. It cannot be called simple, but if you know the basic rules, the implementation of the project is quite accessible to any person. All work can be done by hand by thoroughly studying the installation instructions and understanding the nuances of installing various tension structures.

Specificity of the question

At its core, any stretch ceiling is a false ceiling in the form of a canvas stretched in a special frame at a short distance from the surface of the main ceiling. The tension structure consists of the following main elements:

  1. Frame or molding made of metal or plastic profiles with fasteners for the canvas.
  2. Tension cloth. It can be made of PVC film or polyester knitted fabric. Accordingly, the ceilings themselves are divided into 2 types - film and fabric.
  3. Decorative overlay for masking the joint between the baguette and the wall.
  4. Installation of stretch ceilings is conventionally divided into several stages: preparatory work, fastening the baguette, tensioning the canvas, installation of lighting equipment and finishing. Ultimately, a perfectly flat horizontal surface should be formed, decorated in the chosen style. In this case, the new ceiling must be securely fixed, without sagging.


    The installation technology is slightly different for different types of ceilings. First, fixing the ends of the canvas in the baguette can be done in several ways. Secondly, the tension of the web itself for different materials requires fundamentally different approaches. Finally, the complexity of the installation is influenced by the shape and dimensions of the ceiling. A special approach requires a deviation from the standard geometry (bay windows, alcoves, ledges, etc.). NS.), as well as the availability of communication routes (pipes, ventilation ducts, chimneys). In addition, design features make a significant contribution - level gradation, oval and curly shapes.

    Types of fasteners

    Baguette profiles have a special design containing a fastening element. It is designed to securely secure the ends of the web and fine adjust the tension to eliminate small folds and sagging. The following fastener options are mainly used:

    1. Harpoon mount. Inside the profile is welded along the entire length of the bead in the form of a hook, shaped like a harpoon. Using a spatula, the end of the blade is pushed into the space between the "harpoon" and the profile wall, and the hook does not allow the blade to come out back. Basically, such fasteners are used for PVC film, but can also be used for fabric.
    2. Wedge or glazing bead fastening. It is considered universal, because. To. suitable for both types of false ceilings. The blade edge is secured using a plastic or wooden wedge-shaped element. The edge of the web is inserted into the profile cavity and clamped with a glazing bead. In this case, the lower part of the glazing bead is placed in a special longitudinal groove in the profile, and its upper part can move up. This ensures a fine tension of the blade and wedging (fixation) of its edge.
    3. Clip-on fastening. It is applicable only for fabrics. The edge of the fabric is inserted into a plastic lock and snapped into place ("Clipso" system).
    4. These elements are based on a different principle of fixing the canvas, but the fastening procedure itself is not much different. Using a spatula (a special angled spatula should be used in the corners) and a screwdriver, the end of the blade is carefully pushed into the appropriate gap. The final tension is adjusted by the pushing force. The tension in the wedge fastener is slightly different. In it, after using a spatula, there is the possibility of finer adjustment by hammering (deepening) the glazing bead into the U-shaped cavity of the baguette profile.


      The principle of tensioning various webs

      Polymer film and knitted fabric have dramatically different properties and structure. Accordingly, they require adherence to different tension principles. The fabric has high tensile strength and low elongation. This allows the tension to be achieved in a simple mechanical way. Such a canvas is stretched as much as possible by hand, and then the edges are clamped in the profile. Well-stretched fabric can be secured with clips.

      The polymer film is elongated under mechanical tension, up to rupture. Large elongation does not make it possible to stretch like fabric. In this case, you have to use the thermal method. When heated, the polymer expands in all directions. In this state, the canvas is fixed in a baguette. When cooled, the material shrinks, t. e. the film is returned in its original condition. This effect ensures uniform tension of the PVC fabric after cooling. Heating is carried out to a temperature of 60-65 degrees using a heat gun or a sufficiently powerful construction hair dryer.


      What you need for self-installation

      If you decide to do the installation yourself, you should purchase a self-installation kit.

      He will help to eliminate all problems with the assembly of the tensioning structure. The complete set includes basic and consumable materials, as well as tools: a canvas of the required size; aluminum or plastic molding profiles, complete with a harpoon, glazing bead or clips; decorative overlay in the form of a polymer tape; embedded part for installing a chandelier; plastic platforms for lamps and thermal rings for them; set of wires; perforated tape; pipe bypasses; glue; plastic spatula for pushing the web into the fastener.


      Additionally, you need to prepare such a tool: a perforator, an electric drill, a screwdriver, a screwdriver, pliers, a hacksaw for metal, scissors, a cutting knife, wire cutters, a building level, a tape measure, a metal ruler, a protractor. From consumables, you will additionally need self-tapping screws, plastic dowels, electrical tape, adhesive tape. When installing PVC cloth, you will need a heat gun or a construction hairdryer of sufficient power.

      Preparatory work

      At the stage of preparation for the installation of a stretch ceiling, the following activities are carried out:

      1. Purchasing the materials you need. It is important to correctly assess the need for canvas. Excess material after stretching is cut off and simply thrown away, but it is expensive. The area of ​​the canvas should be equal to the area of ​​the ceiling with a margin of 14-17% for fastening in a baguette and stretching. The total length of the baguette profiles must correspond to the perimeter of the room.
      2. Ceiling preparation. It does not need to be leveled carefully. The canvas is stretched at a distance of 4-6 cm from the ceiling, and therefore irregularities up to 3 cm in size can be ignored. Another thing is that sharp irregularities must not be allowed, as well as areas where plaster or old coating can crumble. Large cracks in the floor where moisture can accumulate should also be repaired. Particular attention is paid to areas with mold and fungi. They will have to be treated with a solution of copper sulfate. The entire ceiling should be well dried before starting work.
      3. Preparing the walls. The frame of the baguette should fit snugly against the wall surface and be located strictly in a straight line. In the places where the profiles are installed, the wall surface should be carefully leveled.
      4. installation

        The preparatory stage is completed by marking the wall for installing the baguette. To do this, you need to find the lowest corner of the room, and in it, stepping back 4-6 cm from the ceiling surface (depending on the laying of communications), put the first mark. Next, the height of this point from the floor is measured and transferred to all other corners. A coloring twine is pulled between the marked corner points, and with its help the border of the location of the profiles on the wall is beaten.

        Baguette installation

        The baguette is mounted from an aluminum or plastic profile in the form of a continuous straight line along the entire perimeter of the room.

        They usually have holes for fastening, and therefore they are first simply applied to the wall for marking. At the marked points, holes are made using a punch, into which plastic dowels with a diameter of 8-10 mm are hammered in with a step of 40-60 cm.

        Profiles are fastened with self-tapping screws to dowels. During installation, horizontality relative to the floor is strictly controlled (using a building level). Frame profiles on one wall must be strictly parallel to similar elements on the opposite wall, and a right angle is ensured in the corner areas. Leveling is done by installing spacers or plaster. The gap will subsequently be closed with a decorative strip.

        Installation of the canvas

        The most important stage in the installation of a stretch ceiling is the stretching of the canvas. The technology for its implementation depends on the material used:

        1. Film ceiling. It is stretched by heating the PVC sheet. First, a baguette is mounted from a profile with harpoon or wedge fasteners. The most often used is a more reliable and maintainable harpoon method. The stretch starts from the corners of the ceiling. The corners of the film are carefully squeezed into the baguette with a spatula. As it is fixed, the canvas is heated with a heat gun or hairdryer to a temperature of at least 60 degrees. After fixing the corners, the ends of the film are pushed with a spatula along the entire length of the profile, evenly moving from the corner to the middle. Small defects can be ignored, because. To. they will disappear after the material has cooled. Excess film is cut off with an assembly knife after complete cooling.
        2. Fabric ceiling. It is tensioned by hand, without heating. The process starts from the middle of one of the walls. Then the canvas is fixed on the opposite wall. In the same way, it is fixed on other walls. As a result, the initial "cross" is formed. Further, the fabric is gradually stretched along the entire length of the frame, you should move from the middle to the corners. In modern designs, most often fasteners are provided with clips, which simplifies tension. However, even with the help of a glazing bead, you can reliably fix the fabric.
        3. When self-installation is carried out, colored stretch ceilings, more precisely, the process of their installation, requires a special careful approach. Decorative designs can be of both film and fabric type. In general, the technology of their installation does not differ from monochromatic canvases. When stretching, it is important to control the pattern on the ceiling. Uneven tension can distort the tension and ruin the entire design. If the pattern on the fabric is not located in the center of the canvas, then the middle of the original "cross" of fastening should be placed not in the center of the ceiling, but in the center of the pattern.


          Holes in the tensioning fabric for mounting the luminaires are made before the process of stretching it starts. It is especially important to approach the installation of spotlights correctly. To do this, you need to draw up a diagram of their location in advance and transfer it to the canvas. In the places where the lamps are removed, holes are carefully cut into which the thermal rings are installed.

          When installing stretch ceilings, it is important to take into account the possibility of their dismantling with subsequent re-installation. This is necessary for repairs on the ceiling or restoration of the canvas itself. This is especially true of the tissue variety. If there is no margin left on the canvas after stretching, then its subsequent use is impossible. It is necessary to cut off the excess fabric so that the ends do not spoil the appearance, crawling out, but at the same time they are sufficient for re-tensioning.


          Stretch ceilings have gained well-deserved popularity. They can be installed with your own hands, but you must remember that sloppy installation can ruin the entire attractiveness of the design. The technology for installing any type of ceiling allows you to do everything yourself, but for this you need to correctly assess the initial conditions, prepare the place and stretch according to the instructions. It is best to use a ready-made DIY installation kit.
